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What is EU.Pol?

EU.Pol is a collective alliance of European Police trade Unions, that acts and participates on a EU level.

EU.Pol is a non-profit purpose and does not grant any material benefit, neither directly nor indirectly, to the founders, the members, the directors or any other person except, in the latter case, for the non-profit purpose mentioned in the bylaws. 

EU.Pol’s purpose is safeguarding, developing and promoting the professional and union-related interests of police officers as well as guaranteeing and promoting established labour laws. EU.Pol is politically neutral and non-confessional. 

The members are police officers from the member states within the European Union and from the member states that are parties to the Schengen Convention and the EEA Convention. 

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EU.Pol will promote the non-profit purpose within the context of specific activities. These activities mainly relate to: 

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  • Political lobbying within the European institutions and the institutions of the member states; 

  • Representing and promoting the socio-economic and professional interests of its members; 

  • Organising meetings for members with the purpose of sharing and enhancing professional knowledge and skills. 

  • Maintaining and promoting solidarity and camaraderie among the members; 

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  • -Maintaining and promoting solidarity and camaraderie among the members; 

  • -Promoting vocational education; 

  • Establishing a permanent head office for the organisation in Brussels, with all the facilities needed to maintain the organisation's existence; 

  • Maintaining relationships with professional organisations. 

  • The description of these activities serves as an example only and is not exhaustive. 

How do we want to do this?

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We want to achieve this by following the broad outlines of our police profession:

  • 1. To listen to our members and act accordingly 

  • 2. To stand for equal and safe working conditions for the European police officer

  • 3. Ensuring coordination, continuous learning and continuous improvement of the European police officer and the police profession

  • 4. Improve and maintain the professionalism and EU standards of the European police officer

  • 5. Where necessary, to establish cooperation between police organizations, not only between national and international police organizations, but also on an operational, tactical and strategical levels. We want to achieve this without infringing the sovereignty of the various European countries.

Diversity and Inclusion

EU.Pol is at the service of all police officers. We stand for diversity and inclusion. All members act with respect and behave ethically and respectfully towards all stakeholders.

We treat all people with respect and do not discriminate against anyone. We make no difference between race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs nor life philosophy.  We ourselves are part of this diverse society. Because a diverse team is only inclusive when no one feels excluded. EU.Pol condemns any kind of discrimination and exclusion and distances itself from it.

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